Reading's Influential Women

Some familiar faces, and some new ones too! It was lovely to be asked by Terry Dixon and Linda Saul if they could use a few of my "Women of Reading" linocuts for their book Reading's Influential Women.

A few became a few more as work on the book progressed, so my family of ladies associated with Reading grew. Here they are in their simplest form, used throughout the book as illustrations, but many also made it to the cover. So chuffed was I when I saw the cover design by Nadja Guggi, I was inspired to recreate it in printing ink.

Published by Reading's own publisher Two Rivers Press, Reading's Influential Women is a "wide-ranging and fact-filled compendium of influential women, all with a connection to the Reading area" available from their online bookshop.

Please note that the authors' royalties will be donated to Berkshire Women's Aid in recognition of their long-term work in Reading. And the artists willingly gave their work free of charge.

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